Parent Involvement

A parent is a child’s first teacher. LIFE encourages parents to play an active role in their child’s education. Parents matter, and their support is an integral role in having a successful program. We believe in keeping parents informed and involved, welcoming all they can bring to the program. This is a direct path to excellence for both the program and our students. We are always excited when parents can contribute to the growth of our students and program.
We invite and encourage parents to participate in a variety of activities with children. This can include field trips, classroom volunteer, attend parent meetings and workshops, and serving on DASPC (Delegate Agency Site Parent Committee) and DAPC (Delegate Agency Parent Committee).
We encourage family members to initiate conversations about children’s program activities.
LIFE encourages input from parents about the program and its connection to child’s development.
Life offers assistance with educational advancement (CDA)
LIFE encourages Male (Father) Involvement